Monday, January 4, 2021



 I wouldn't say too much
It's too hard to phrase apologies
About all they've undergone.
Words of my love for them
May sound like an empty gong.
We have abused them for so long.
Instead, I choose to listen to their songs
Of protest, sadness, gladness
About being on this earth
Where we all belong.

This week Sherri at Earthweel challenges us to "speak for animals" as we consider their gifts to us, as well as the challenges they face, too often due to our disregard and disrespect for them.  

I love animals and wish I could do more to preserve them and save them from abuses. In the hope that somehow my intentions matter, that what I do symbolically translates through the ethers into tangible help for them, I write little poems to them as I attempt to capture their images through my sketches and photos

These are some samples of my entries:


  1. Myrna, I love your poem and your drawings SO MUCH. I know your heart and mine are very similar, we share a worldview that is compassionate, and abhors the many abuses on every side. It is hard to have hearts like ours in a world that often feels heartless. But thankfully, there are many hearts full of love, longing for a better world. I hope humanity makes it. It wont be in our lifetime..........but anyone who has grandchildren and great-grandchildren has to hope it will happen - the great shift, the transformation of consciousness that will save us all. Thank you for reading my prompt and writing to it. Lovely to see you at earthweal.

  2. It is hard to do much and easy to say too much. If we all just observed with your eyes, that might be enough to stop the tragedy.

  3. Despite repeated attempts Blogger is flatly refusing to let me comment.
    Trying again.

    Your poem and your art are beautiful. I share your love of animals - and your regrets for their treatment.

  4. I love you pictures and your writing here. I wouldn't know what to say either. Perhaps there is nothing we can say. Perhaps we just need to try harder.

  5. I enjoyed your poem and your drawings very much. It would be hard to know what to say if we could talk to animals. Suzanne of Mapping Uncertainty

  6. Interacting with animals is a way to honor them. Your drawings and poems communicate your feelings well.

  7. Thank you for sharing your drawings and words. I can tell you have a deep love of animals.

  8. Some of the animals lead a terrible life imposed by ruthless and unthoughtful folk, others live a charmed and pampered life. Adi, my beagle dog, and I were a registered Animal Therapy pair. It kept us both with a rewarding diversion for retired people.

    1. My sister and I both talk with animals, ones encountered while walking, they are captive or pets, or driving slow enough from the car. Neither knew the other knew until we were adults.
