Wednesday, July 3, 2019


If I become an ostrich, bury my head in sand
I can't breathe my life
In, out
I can't breathe my story
Or yours, theirs, ours
I can't hear Mama crying, trying
To save me, my sisters, my brothers

If I bury my head in sand
I can't see truth
If I bury myself in blindness
Time indiscriminate will blow me away
Before I witness, before I feel, before I do
What I must
Through joy, through suffering, through those clouds 
Of unknowing that unravel history

I'm no ostrich
But I do bury myself at times
Because living can be scarier 
Than death


  1. I agree, Myrna, burying our heads in the sand only ends up in suffocation from all the worries and problems, it’s better to face them and breathe more easily. And it’s true, living is often scarier than death.

  2. My goodness this is poignant๐Ÿ’– Indeed life is scary and unpredictable at times. I love the sensitivity with which this poem is penned. Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt, Myrna ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Your final stanza is painfully true.
    I try and pull my head out of the sand (and/or my fundament) but sometimes fail.
    Brilliant poem. Again.

  4. Ah yes we feel scared and we hide away, and thats just being human and natural, but the sunsets and rises again and be must awaken

    Thanks for dropping by my blig today Myrna


  5. True takes the brave to live ..and to live in full colour. I love the ostrich metaphor- so apt.

  6. You have articulated 'Fear' so well here, Myrna. In particular, I was really struck by your strong (and truly thought provoking) close. Indeed: 'living can be scarier Than death'.

  7. You and I share a worldview, my friend. Life is hard for those of us who see what is happening. Sadly, too many prefer to bury their heads in the sand.

  8. The purpose of life is life. We must live it come what may. There is purpose too in occasionally burying our heads. How else do we get through the scary times that allow us to know great beauty? I am deeply touched every time I read one of your poems, Myrna. Always so beautifully written, meaningful and hopeful. Thank you!

  9. We cannot bury our heads in sand and sometimes we simply need to do that. You've expressed 'fear' of uncertain times so realistically, Myrna.

  10. Fear can be channelled into positive action, perhaps. But the reality is pretty scary, I agree.

  11. Wemust never bury our heads in the sand (or disregard political corruption or cruelty) for if we don't stand up for the right way who will stand up for us.

  12. There are endless examples of such realities which people don’t want to face. It is better to see the deficit and rectify life instead of living in a fake world with abundance. Beautiful poem, Myrna. Loved it.

  13. I so agree. If we bury our heads in sand, we can't breathe...And yes, choosing to live is an act of bravery. Brilliant Myrna.

  14. Hard to keep your head up in these times.

  15. Absolutely....The possibilities are vast. Keep pushing through the fears and resistance. Thank you for the reminder....
