Sunday, November 11, 2018


I see glimpses of peaceful unity
In the generosity of a neighbor,
The kindness of a stranger,
The services provided by community.
But lately, too often, too quickly 
my visions of the beautiful become murky,
A dream I cannot remember.
I cannot breathe. I choke
On dark fumes.
My head, shoulders, eyelids droop from fear fatigue.
A malignant dread of doom
Infiltrates my cells,
Magnifies my worries, 
Kidnaps my serenity.
The ransom - in the hands of madmen.
It is then that I am grateful
For wise questions that expand possibilities:

 "What if this darkness isn't the darkness of the tomb
  But the darkness of the womb.
  What if America is not dead 
  But a country
  To be born." 
           Valerie Kaur



  1. I LOVE that quote at the end. It is struggling to be born, hope and kindness and justice.......we need to remember how to dream again. And to vote for leaders who inspire the best in us, not the worst.

  2. Yes, the fumes are dark, but I truly believe that a time of cleansing and healing is coming.

  3. I think the darkness is here in Europe as well... and it consists mainly in fear... maybe that is why we are looking for strength in others rather than relying in all the good thing we have.

  4. I am hoping that rather a lot of countries are wating to be reborn - into the gentler light of a new day.

  5. Those "What ifs" are powerful. I too get "fear fatigue."

  6. What a perfect ending....yes I think we are waiting to be born...after all we are a young country still growing and learning. Hopefully we are learning a lot more these days. This was fabulous!

  7. I often have the feeling of doom as well...and sometimes find myself choking on the fumes as well. I do hope that the 'womb' that is America will give birth to something good again!

  8. "For wise questions that expand possibilities"
    BRAVO; brilliant introspection Myrna


  9. Interesting take on the prompt. Love it

  10. That quote is really what hope all around the world is about..that from this darkness, light will be born. Soon.

  11. It is sad when leaders instead of embracing all citizens decide to divide them, and as a foreign observer I can see how that frightens so many; a fear that has been used so many times before in history to control those citizens that might vote the other way. Be strong!

  12. Perhaps that is what we are waiting for?

  13. Love this wise, well rendered, piece, Myrna. Indeed, the answers are in the questions.

  14. Hang on to that thought! And may thinking make it so.

  15. Oh Myrna this one brought tears into my eyes. Such a beautifully evocative write.
