Sunday, July 9, 2017

I've spent a little time distracting myself from world events by trying to express my deep love for all animals.  These are  a few of my expressions.


I love a good mystery
Especially one like you
Existing without answers or questions
About that huge WHY that plagues humans
Because we think, we are
So smart, to know. 

But not you,
You're not even aware of yourself
Of your beauty, your monstrosity,
Your weakness, your might,
Your sweetness, your ferocity
Or how you "chose" to 
swim, crawl or fly.

You don't care
To examine reasons why
we're connected
We simply are
You and I
Earth's creatures entwined

I don't care either
To know why
I love you so much
Mysteriously, I just do.

(For Poets United.)


  1. I can understand Myrna why you want to distract is so overwhelming....but what a wonderful way to do it by creating such beautiful pictures and poetry....I especially love the words:

    'You don't care
    To examine reasons why
    we're connected
    We simply are
    You and I
    Earth's creatures entwined'

    And if we could all just feel the connections of our souls and leave the thoughts, words and judgments behind we would not be dealing the issues that are currently plaguing our world.

  2. Ah, there is good reason to distract oneself from the world these days; and your drawings of animals certain seem like a positive diversion. Perhaps to focus on the connectedness of all living things is better than to think about the divisiveness all around.

  3. The poem brings me back to a truth so lacking in the world of greed and twisted intentions running our country. Beautiful art!

  4. LOVE your distractions. I too find solace and healing in the natural world - and in the dexterity of your images and words.

  5. Myrna, you must know how much I adore this poem, and your WONDERFUL paintings. What a pleasure this post is to read and enjoy. Thank you so much. I am so glad you paint........something you can do just for must be peaceful and satisfying work. The results are awesome!

  6. Simplicity is the key to peaceful relationships. I like your distraction from the turmoil of the world...a way to escape and heal.

  7. Such beautiful paintings and words. Simply Love this Myrna.

  8. Lovely expessions

  9. I am glad you have found a source of comfort and creativity - beautiful work

  10. Humans are so different from other creatures as they think of ways to destroy each other but other creatures' prime aim is to preserve their species.

  11. Earth's creatures can be so mysteriously loving. That do make them adorable!


  12. This is so incredibly heartfelt, Myrna❤️ especially love; "But not you,You're not even aware of yourself Of your beauty, your monstrosity, Your weakness, your might, Your sweetness, your ferocity Or how you "chose" to swim, crawl or fly." Beautifully penned!❤️

    Lots of love,

  13. It is the way of love, without explaination, we do! A wonderful (wonder full) poem.

  14. I think animals can find better way to express love even if they are carnivores

  15. oh i can feel your heart in this one myrna...
