Wednesday, June 28, 2017


My father-in-law jested,
"If I had a choice 
Between being rich or poor,
I'd rather be rich."
And he truly was 
Though he had no money
His investments grew exponentially
from the wisdom he'd accrued, 
love he never withdrew
From a heart enlarged
With abundant treasures

Makes me consider how
Some things must happen 
From the inside out
Like war and peace
Both deep within me
Walking in the shadow of my death
While I live 
Making choices
Trying hard to negotiate between
My inner demons and those angels
Battling in the corners of my silence
Waiting to see if my inner battles
Can produce the peaceful warrior
I want to be


  1. The inner battles can be the toughest.

  2. Wisdom is certainly priceless. And sometimes we have to fight inner battles in order to experience true happiness. A wonderful piece, thanks for sharing!

  3. "There is much to consider" in the inner struggles of our personal selves. Nice rendition of War and Peace

    much love...

  4. Your FIL sounds like a wonderful person. Our lives are enriched by actually knowing someone like this rather than just reading about them. I cannot imagine anything but angels in you. Of course you are a peaceful warrior.

  5. The inner battles are the toughest for us to deal with.. Beautifully poignant.

  6. It sounds like your father-in-law is/was that peaceful warrior who reached into dark corners and found the treasure of a meaningful life. If poetry carries your heart, I'd say your narrator is in a win-win space.

    "Like war and peace
    Both deep within me
    Walking in the shadow of my death
    While I live
    Making choices" WOW

  7. All the signs suggest that, like your father-in-law, you are rich and that the peaceful warrior will triumph.

  8. I love that inner battle that will produce the peaceful warrior. I was also stunned by the power in the lines Susan quoted. Wow, indeed.

  9. What a wonderful role model you had. You are definitely a peaceful warrior,


  10. Well put It is all an inner war and you choose between your demons and angels Wisdom is being aware and focus on peace and love

  11. So many of want to peaceful warriors but it is hard. We are almost forced to use polluting plastics and chemicals in our daily life and dispose of so much waste packaging that 50 years ago was unthinkable.

  12. The lines have a halo coming from your insight. Angels are always on the winning side but the struggle is so tiring, dear peace warrior. & to have ever been in touch with a person like your father-in-law is simply bliss. you are one lucky soul Myrna.

  13. I can picture you as that peaceful warrior - a great poem Myrna

  14. Oh yes, I hear you! Those inner battles are a menace, but peaceful warriors will win. Great piece, Myrna!

  15. wisdom as riches...i'd have to agree.

  16. i love those people who don't have much money but are the richest people on earth cause they can give so much... and i think it only works from the inside out - never the other way round - you will fight those battles and win myrna
