Sunday, July 17, 2016


Moon, why do you cry?
Tired of showing your face, illuminated
frozen smile and eyes gleaming reassurance
upon those who need it?
But it's your job.  Resistance is futile.
I know now.

So raise your bright side.
Let the darkness be
nullified by itself
while you flow
light-headed in space
watching yourself and me
learn life
up and down.

I cried once too,
fought hard against
tidal waves and storms
(that maybe you or I helped create).
The more I fought,
the more there was to fight
until the fight beat me,

Now instead of fighting,
I mostly float.
Easier than swimming against currents.

Stay calm Moon.
Let's help each other rise
to fullness each time.

Let's not rebel against what is.
Let's defy only gravity.

(I wrote this several years ago.  In the postscript then, I explained that I did not mean to encourage complacency, but rather an acceptance of an unchangeable life circumstance, instead of waging an inner war against what is, making myself unhappy.  
What matters is that we defy gravity - those habits and addictions that pull us to repeat the same mistakes that harm our inner life, our relationships, our health.  
I've learned a little since then.  But I'm still struggling to fight only the valid inner battles instead of those that are essentially created by my own illusions and my ego.  
I got the idea for this poem from a book by Carolym Myss, "Defying Gravity".)

(For Poets United.)


  1. Though written some years ago, your poem is so very relevant, Myrna. It could have been written yesterday. May we always find a way to contemplate the bright side of the moon....and may we always float in the moon's wonderful calmness!

  2. "Stay calm Moon.
    Let's help each other rise
    to fullness each time." this so much Myrna, like a little piece of meditation..and full of life and light....

  3. Oh what a brilliant poem Myrna....I love the message as it is so relevant for the world and for me personally. So many beautiful lines, especially.....

    'Stay calm Moon.
    Let's help each other rise
    to fullness each time.'

  4. A bright note of beauty and hope in the darkness. Indeed, as wise as Thich Naht Hahn, whose response to what is happening now is to breathe in and be present........I love "Stay calm Moon", and helping each other rise. Beautiful poem, and wise advice.........not complacency, but as much peace as we can manage.

  5. There is such a wonderful sense of calm and reassurance throughout this poem, Myrna. A most lovely and contemplative write...!

    Lots of love,

  6. The title alone made me beam - strong like a moon beam - you are right sometimes we must follow the course of the universe otherwise all our energy can be spent fighting ourselves.. I am glad the moon is your friend

  7. There is a timelessness in this... and to me it's a lot the same sentiment as a willow bending for the wind.. some acceptance and then bounce back.. or maybe like you reel in a special catch

  8. Thank you for this thought provoking piece. Floating is such an inspiring thought.

  9. a thought-provoking poem.
    sometimes the inner demons try to pull us in and apart, and the only way to deal with it is to defy gravity, to let these heavy loads float away...

  10. This poem speaks to these challenging times. You wrote it a few years ago yet the world seems to get darker and ruthless....but I still least I want to believe that things will get better.

  11. We are wise to heed your wisdom words of life, history and cycles. Hoping for the fullness of Moon's shine over love and laughter

    Much love...

  12. I wish I were a better floater, but the only person I know who seems really good at it also seems flat somehow despite her almost constant happiness.

  13. I think I like the brighter side of the moon and I hope for fullness in life. I understand sometimes we need to float in the journey. Your words are relevant in the world today.

  14. Lovely - comforting and soothing. Acceptance can be very restorative.

    So pleased that you enjoyed my Pantry Post, Myrna. It's true, we do seem to have a lot in common. Smiles.

  15. Beautiful... watching yourself and me/ learn life up and down... such an inspired conversation..loved it.
