Saturday, July 3, 2010


Though, I'm no longer part of the official work force, week ends still awaken a playful, frivolous and easy going facet within me. Celebration is on my mind and even in celebration, we mustn't forget the spiritual component that applies to all that we do.

That's why when my husband and I occasionally decide to engage in a little romantic ritual (in which we only pretend to be romantic, because mother and mother-in-law are never far away and are always oh so ready to kill the mood); at least one god is ever present to partake in the festivities.

The Greek spirit of Dionysus, later named Bacchus by the Romans, accompanies us in toasting to our lives, our happiness and to the present moment, which ends up being a mini-feast of fruit, cheese, bread and of course, a little wine. Though Bacchus was supposed to inspire ritual madness, the closest I get to that is to watch a funny movie from Netflix, while I imbibe. But, I must confess, a little goes a long way for me, and one glass is max before I rudely start to yawn and threaten to leave the end of the movie for another night. My husband is less than thrilled about this behavior but he's finally learning and knows to expect my "party pooper within" to always surface prematurely.

"Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it."

Considering that according to The California Wine Institute, each of us drank 2.9 gallons of wine in 2009, I have had less than my share. The institute also assures us that they are increasingly practicing more sustainable methods to grow wine. Apparently, they recycle, try to conserve energy and water and reduce pesticide use, among other things. Whew! Now I can drink my share with a clear conscience too.


When I think about wine other factors come to mind. I can't help but fondly recall a friend, who passed away a year ago. He introduced us to "better", not necessarily more expensive wines, meaning not from a cardboard box. He and his family considered themselves connoisseurs and took it upon themselves to teach the rest of us some refinement. Next time I have a glass of wine, I must remember to toast him, in gratitude for such good friendship.

Another thing that I think about is that wine has become the new cigarette. Remember when cigarettes were commonly used in movies and TV? There was supposed to be a sophistication about their use. I see a similarity to wine. Almost every scene in a movie or TV show involving a meal, or people getting home from work, or whatever, there is wine involved. I think we must proceed with caution here.


But for today, I am just grateful. Grateful for the week end and grateful, that I can occasionally consume the nectar of the gods and simply enjoy its fruits.

"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"
C.W. Fields

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, wine and cheese, how romantic and inviting. Your spead looks good. Odd you should make that analogy between wine and cigarette use in the media today - because I was thinking the same thing. I remember all those old Bette Davis movies where you never saw her without a cigarette in hand. And what about the old time singers like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. - didn't they always sing with a cigarette? Wow. Our world has really change. Proceed with caution and drinking win is right...except Jesus' first miracle was turning the water into wine - so maybe it is okay?

